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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Cake Holiday New Years

Good Luck New Year Cake

Actually, On different years, we may or may not get to her house for the New Year dinner. Holiday around the Chinese New Year. My mother in law Lily has prepared the New Year Cake for many years, and occasionally, we get one, depending on if there is a U.S. Lately, I had just decided to forget about the cakes. For years, it has been hit or miss getting those delicious cakes. Most of the time, we returned empty handed because the people living in that area got them before we did. and I used to drive to China Town in Flushing Queens, New York to find these cakes.

My husband T.C. since 1988, and finding these cakes is very challenging. I've been living in the U.S. Those items were eaten on New Year's Day, and included Good Luck New Year Cake and Abundance Cake.

Cake New Year Celebration

There were also many items not included in the 12 course meal, to be presented outside the meal in worship of our ancestors as well as God, showing our appreciation of what they had provided for us. Each dish had a significant meaning for bringing good luck in many areas. When I was growing up, I was always in and out of the kitchen, helping my mother to prepare her 12 course New Year's Eve dinner. There are many things a Chinese family will prepare for their New Year's Eve, as well as New Year's Day.

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